Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Day Like No Other: Muharram 10


LinkedIn post published on Tuesday, July 16, 2024. Received 160+ reactions within 48 hours. Original post here

This is no ordinary day. But how come?

Today marks Muharram 10 in the Islamic calendar, also known as Ashura. It is literally one of a handful of times in history when the best and worst of humanity squared off. On this day, Imam Hussain and a handful of his closest friends and family were brutally killed by an army of over 30,000 for refusing to pay allegiance to the corrupt and ruthless ruler of the time, Yazeed bin Muawiya. As the grandson of the Prophet Muhammed and known for his charisma, kindness and wisdom, and as a widely respected leader of the day in his own right, Imam Hussain's allegiance was priceless to Yazeed, yet Hussain preferred to give his head in defiance rather than his hand in subservience.

You may wonder why I'm posting about this sorrowful event 1,300+ years after it happened on LinkedIn. Since my childhood, I have heard of Imam Hussain's epic stand for truth, justice, honour and sacrifice, and it is one that will always be very near and dear to my heart. Imam Hussain stood on the battlefield alone today and called out, "is there anyone who will help me?" Anyone cynical and disenchanted need only hear what Hussain and his close ones did to be inspired. Today, hundreds of millions of his lovers from numerous faith communities around the world answer his call to say, "Yes Hussain, I will support you."

To learn more about what happened to Imam Hussain, click this link:

Photo is a close up of a minaret with Arabic and Persian calligraphy and the gold dome over the grave of Imam Hussain with a red flag flying his name.

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